By: Tracey Lloyd
Species: Moreton Bay Fig
Date: 23.05.2020

About this flag

Moreton Bay Fig

  • Element 1: Emblem

    Reproductive - fig fruit

    Its fruit is a key source of food in the rainforest. The seeds from the fruit, once consumed, are dispersed by birds and bats which enable the strangler fig to find new host trees and thus begin new life-cycles.

  • Element 2: Pattern

    Aesthetics - butress roots

    The Moreton Bay figs are perhaps best know for its imposing buttress roots (which can grow as tall as a person). Buttress roots are large, wide roots on all sides of a shallowly rooted tree. Typically, they are found in nutrient-poor tropical forest soils that may not be very deep. They prevent the tree from falling over (hence the name buttress) while also gathering more nutrients.